Our platform helps companies Measure, Manage and Report their Sustainability performance in a way that is fast, easy, secure and cost effective.
Sustainability AssessmentGet a clear, accurate picture of where you stand, simply. 2 approaches: - Full-service: similar to an Audit, you just upload “day to day”, internal documents on our platform. We extract ESG relevant data and facts and transform that into meaningful Sustainability information - Self-service: capture and centralise all your sustainability data in our platform to drive your Sustainability performance and reporting.Sustainability ReportingProduce a range of internal or external reports for operational or regulatory purposes, simply.Sustainability ManagementImprove your sustainability with your roadmap, targets and objectives, simply. Armed with accurate data and a truthful representation of your Sustainability profile, you can these plan activities to improve your overall sustainability performance.
SMEs & Mid-market companies We need SMEs & Mid-market companies that genuinely want to progress on their Sustainability journey but have limited resources, expertise or budget Fundraising We are actively fundraising, primarily through Business Angels who share our passion for Corporate Sustainability.