Member profile


Sustainaccount offers a SaaS solution for the assessment of physical climate risks in order to foster the resilience of real assets to climate change. Leveraging advanced data analytics and AI technology, the solution performs future-oriented scenario analysis and provides specific adaptation measures and optimization pathways, considering the unique characteristics of assets. This approach helps de-risk assets, enhance resilience, and maintain their investability. Our climate risk assessments are aligned with the EU Taxonomy, TCFD, CSRD and other reporting frameworks and also used in the context of DGNB certifications.

Member representatives

Dr. Christian Spindler

Co-Founder and CEO

Chiara Rinaldi

Co-Founder and COO





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What we offer

Climate Risk Assessment

Understand what physical climate risks your assets will face.

Adaptation Strategies

Identify measures to mitigate risks and increase resilience of your assets.

Regulatory Alignment

Report physical climate risks in alignment with the main regulations and certifications.

What we need

Client Collaborations

Our climate risk assessment solutions have been developed in close collaboration with our clients. We continuously incorporate new feedback to meet their needs.

Strategic Partnerships

We are establishing partnerships across various domains to offer holistic solutions to our clients.


Building climate resilience requires a collective effort. If you have ideas on how we can do this together, please get in touch.

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